Pipe fabrication properties are automatically assigned to each pipe.
List Welded Pipes
List Welded Pipes
Lists welded pipe fabrication properties. All required pipe parameters are automatically assigned to each pipe and fitting.
Custom made Pipe Assemblies
Custom made Pipe Assemblies
Detail Pipe Offsets(dimensions) in separate views and place them in a sheet.
Replace Parameters text
Replace any description abbrivations for the listed paps whether it's fititng or directon description.
Delete pipe-Fab data
Deletes pipe fabrication properties.
Remove MicroBIM Fire Overrides
Pipe FAB changes colors for elements done by its tools, user use remove overrides to return the element to its initial appearance in view.
Pipe Numbers
Pipe Numbers tool automatically enumerates pipes after listing.
Update Fittings Data
Numbering Branch outlets.
Update Spuds Parameters
writes necessary values for Branch Outlets parameters regarding Main pipe diameter, Range Diameter , etc…
Round-up Pipe Lengths
Round-up Pipe Lengths tool copies Length Parameters and makes new Fake Length Parameters.
Delete Rounded-up Pipe Lengths
Deletes Length Parameters from Fake Lengths column.
Collate Similar Pipe Data
Pipe numbering utility , Unifies Pipe dummy Lengths for Pipes having same Number Two Pipes with number : M010 Having lengths 1500mm and 1505mm the tool updates both pipes to the length 1500 mm.
Export Cutting Sheets
Export Excel File for Cutting Sheet
Export FAB Report
Export Excel File for FAB Report
Export FAB Sheets
Export FAB Sheets
Export Excel File for FAB Sheet
Export CNC Files
Export CNC Files
Export Excel Sheet for CNC
Revit-Excel Review
Compare Excel File with Revit.
Flexible Dropper Type
Flexible Dropper Type
Assigns Flex vendor type(Victualic or Viking) to Revit flex pipe.
Set Pipe Start
Define start piont of the pipe by Clicking on eihter ends of the pipe.
Assign PE
Assign PE for StartPap Or EndPap based on the picked end of the pipe.
Add no listing
Assign no listing to the mark parameter for selected pipes.
Remove no listing
Remove no listing from the mark parameter for selected pipes Or for all pipes in view.
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